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How to make video from PowerPoint

I’ll take a bet and say you’ve never considered using PowerPoint to make a video. Today, I’m going to take your mind beyond the bullets and show you how easy it can be to make great video content from PowerPoint slides.

Before I get started, I tend to look at the end result first then strip away all the possible components.

If you have a look at this example, you’ll see how the door and accessories were made using rectangles, borders, shading. In the background there’s an image and I’ve used text for the house number. Once those pieces were in place, I used the animation and build tools to put it all together.

Then, I chose a piece of library music of appropriate length (30 seconds) to fit. However, because I’m a perfectionist I spent a while adjusting the timing of how the all the shapes built so they matched the beat and phrasing of the music.

Finally, I used PowerPoint’s convert to video function to create an MP4 file and uploaded it to YouTube.

Do something different with your blog post – make a video

A while ago, I read a blog post called How Full is Your Bandwidth by Piers Morgan, Red10.  I read and thought it would make a great little animated video. So just for fun, I created it simply by using PowerPoint standard features.

If you’d like to know more or want to do something different with your next PowerPoint presentation, get in touch.
